Travel New challenges during lockdown Here I am, facing new challenges under lockdown. And that is why I decided it…MariaNovember 26, 2020
Travel Revisiting the Heart of Mexico III And here we were on the road again towards Veracruz. We had left Oaxaca reluctantly.…MariaMay 6, 2016
Markets Zaachila Market My love for markets is well known. It had been a while since I last…MariaApril 2, 2016
Travel Revisiting the Heart of Mexico II A glorious sun greeted us in the morning. Jet lag was still affecting our bodies.…MariaMarch 29, 2016
Travel Revisiting the Heart of Mexico I When the plane started its final descent, I felt excited and emotional. We were finally…MariaMarch 15, 2016
Travel Tasting the World at Expo Milano 2015 IV As I say goodbye to the Expo Milano 2015, this being my last post on…MariaSeptember 29, 2015
Travel Why I travel "The whole world is still an open book for me. I'm fascinated by people and…MariaJune 28, 2015
This & That Street Musicians Let's face it, not all street musicians deserve the title. But those who do often…MariaJune 15, 2015
Travel Farewell To Mexico And time is running out! These last few days, surrounded by packages and packers that…MariaJuly 1, 2014
Travel Antigua and Hernan Cortes I'm on my last stretch here in Mexico and this Easter we had our last…MariaMay 16, 2014