Dear friends.

It has been a little while. A lot has happened, life is always showing us different paths.

Sometimes you go straight and can see what is ahead.


Mountain roadSometimes the road gets curvier and it is difficult to guess where it will lead

Curvy mountain Road

And even when you finally reach the top, there are still many paths you can choose from.

Mountain Range

So what has been happening? Well for starters I had a new exhibition in Austria. I was grateful I was able  to demystify so many misconceptions about Iran and its people.

To check it out and also previous exhibitions please press here.

But I am also working on my projects and have even started new parallel ones on causes that are very dear to my heart. To check those please press here.

I have also been writing on my journal a lot about life and what is in my soul. It would be great if you could check it out here 

It is important for me to have as much feedback as possible so if you find the time to comment on any of my posts or stories, I would be very grateful, just as I appreciate that you have been with me all these years.



Welcome! Through my photography and my travels, you will discover the people I have encountered and the places that will stay with me forever. In this crazy new reality we seem to be living, it is even more important to be grateful for all the people who have crossed our path and touched us in same way. As for all the old and new stones, they can live in our imaginary for now, waiting, when the time is right again ...

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